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英国留学优秀申请书 篇1

Program Applied:Marketing Management

In a highly competitive environment,the ability to create competitive edgesover one's adversaries and to achieve ultimate victory in fierce competitionsdepends not so much on materials resources as on the mental factors ofintelligence and concepts. Those concepts that can lead to new visions andperspectives and those approaches that can effectively solve problems will havethe greatest value. The overriding factor which ensures the eventualmaterialization of new concepts and gives rise to effective approaches ismanagement. As a branch of applied science,the science of management hascrucial value not only for developing countries like China which are makinguttermost efforts to catch up with the developed countries,but also for theleading multinational giants in the developed countries themselves. For a personlike me who has decided to pursue marketing management as my career objective,to sharpen my intellectual caliber,to understand the essence of management andto grasp important skills of management have become my greatest aspiration.

As a Master's student specializing in marketing and enterprise strategies,Iam very proud to report that I have made some encouraging research achievements.Of the two research papers that I wrote concerning strategic development ofenterprises-Enterprise Strategic Alliance Based on Resource Complementarity andThe Strategic Orientation and Countermeasures for Chinese Enterprises inInternational Operations in the New Millennium,the former has been published byEconomic Tribune in Sept. 20xx and the latter has been accepted for publicationby China Economists in Feb. 20xx. These two research papers are the fruition ofmy active involvement in a research project named Study on Chinese Enterprises'Cooperation-Competition Models in Hyper-Competitive Conditions,which issponsored by China State Natural Science Foundation (Foundation Project No.70140132)。 Another paper entitled Brand Marketing:A Competitive Mode on aHigher Level in Modern Economics has been published by Contemporary Finance& Economics in November this year. Those research achievements canunmistakably indicate my tremendous potential to perform much more ambitiousresearches in my future degree program and I am determined to develop thispotential to the fullest extent.

I completed my four-year systematic studies in Engineering and ManagementScience as an undergraduate at the School of Economics and Management,BeijingUniversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics. It is precisely this undergraduateeducation that has reinforced my determination to pursue marketing management asmy lifelong career. Although as an undergraduate my understanding of somecourses cannot be described as profound (some might even be said to be rathersuperficial),my learning of those courses nevertheless widened my ken ofknowledge and broadened my vision.

In order to further enrich myself,I availed myself of every opportunity ofacademic exchange both on campus and off campus. I shuttled among PekingUniversity,Central Finance and Economics University,and China RenminUniversity on my bicycle in order to attend lectures delivered by the country'sleading scholars and entrepreneurs. Those lectures constituted an importantsupplement to my in-class training because they were immediately connected withthe realities of Chinese society. I also benefited importantly from myextracurricular activities. As minister of the Department of Social Practices ofthe School's Students Union,I planned and organized the School's Festival ofthe Art of Management. I also canvassed Pepsi Company to sponsor ouruniversity's basketball league match. In launching those activities,I improvedmy organizational and managerial skills. In retrospection,my undergraduateprogram was most strengthened by my self-conscious attention to various appliedsubjects-higher mathematics,statistics and probability,linear algebra,operations research,etc. It can be said that my undergraduate education (inwhich my overall scholastic performance ranked top 4th in my class consisting of30 students) enabled me to make some basic preparations in theoretical knowledgeand in the application of mathematical tools.

From Sept. 1998 to April 20xx,my employment with Hisense Group in QingDaoCity,Shandong Province (one of the largest manufacturers of electricalappliances in China) was a major opportunity to practice what I had learned. Thesecond year I joined the Group,the most fierce price warfare happened toChina's electrical appliances industry. Manufacturers reduced the prices oftheir products to unprecedented low levels in order to maximize their marketshare. As an act of market competition,the Marketing Department where I workedlaunched Traveling Expositions of Hisense Products. As one of the four keypersonnel of the department,I planned and organized a series of exhibitions inmost major cities in China. Our one-year efforts achieved remarkable marketeffects. In Shijiazhuan City,for instance,of a total of 30 brands,our salesof televisions and air conditioners accounted for 24% and 18% respectively in20xx. In that year's performance evaluation,I was awarded the Group's ModelEmployee.

My understanding of marketing was enriched and modified by my 2-yearpractical work experience. To me,marketing was not merely composed of suchelements as product designing,promotion through advertising,pricing models,and distribution channels. It also encompassed the analysis of the behavior bothof your competitors and of consumers,studies in organization behavior,brandmanagement,and decision-makings. Believing that a more systematic educationwould contribute to a more successful career,I went back to my alma mater inSeptember 20xx and went on with a Master's program in Engineering and ManagementScience in order to gain knowledge on a higher professional level,to follow themost updated academic information,and to improve my managerial caliber.

Backed by my work experience,my academic focus became better-defined and Iwas more self-motivated in my studies. With a comprehensive coursework coveringadvanced mathematical planning,decision-making strategies,managementstatistics,and fuzzy mathematics,I achieved obvious improvement in theoreticalknowledge and in the application of tools. I developed broader perspectives andwas able to conduct my research from more advanced professional levels. Mythesis,entitled A Study of Enterprises' Strategic Alliances Based on anAnalysis of Resource Complementarity,presented a wholly novel explanation ofcorporate alliances from the perspective of resource integration,a perspectivewhich differed fundamentally from the conventional view held by most scholarswhich explained the necessity and justification of corporate alliance from theangle of transaction cost and value chain.

Instead of feeling contented with my high GPA for the Master's program (3.6),I have come to realize how much there is still for me to learn in the field ofmanagement,especially in marketing. Most universities in China treat marketingpurely as a theoretical course,with neither case analysis nor opportunities forstudents to practice the theories they have learned. In terms of curriculum,studies in marketing psychology and individual behavior have hardly beenundertaken. Moreover,the lack of analytical tools has resulted in insufficientanalysis of the market feedback. Realizing that such deficiencies can scarcelybe overcome within a short period of time,I believe that a more successfulcareer must be pursued through a Ph.D. program outside China,ideally in afirst-rate university in the United States.

With my undergraduate and graduate background in engineering and managementscience,I would like to focus on one of the following areas in your Ph.D.program:a. marketing management; b. behavioral approaches to marketing orconsumer behavior; and c. channels of distribution. I have also drawn up mytentative career objective. I will complete my doctoral program by undertakingextensive researches and carrying out some specific projects. After obtaining mydegree,I will seek some teaching experiences in an American university whilecontinuing with advanced researches on the latest research topics. In this way Ican keep developing my academic aptitudes. After accumulating sufficientteaching and research experience,I will seek a teaching position in aprestigious university in China where I will share with my future students andcolleagues my research findings and the knowledge I have acquired in the UnitedStates. I hope to develop myself ultimately into a leading specialist inmarketing and management who can contribute to bringing Chinese scholarship inthis field onto a more advanced level.

CMU's Ph.D. program in computer science is heavily integrated with researchactivities and is designed to nurture people with raw talent and intellect in anenvironment which permits them thorough immersion in research and coursework.The program promises to produce well-educated researchers and future leaders incomputer science. I am very excited over this wonderful vision because such aprogram offers me a basis to translate my dreams into realities. Without such aprogram,many of my dreams will remain mere fantasies.


英国留学优秀申请书 篇2

Dear teacher


My name is Yu, I'm 18 years oldxxxx Senior three.

At 20x I took part in the national physics competition of middle schoolstudents in autumn of, and won the second prize. So I got to participatex I'mnot qualified. For this, I feel very surprised and honored. After considerationand weighing, I chose your university as my goal. Although facing the unknownresults, I was uneasy, but I decided to give it a try.

I am a child through books to accept the Confucian and Taoist culture, Itreat people with courtesy, also can be honest and trustworthy, enthusiasticcollective. It's just that sometimes people become estranged because of too muchetiquette. Sometimes it lacks the courage to stand up. I'm trying to changemyself.

In my study, I have been able to rank in the top ten of the class, and mygrades are superior in the whole school. However, in front of the collegeentrance examination, this is not an ideal result. I'm good at science -sometimes I'm the first in my class, but I'm not good at liberal arts. I like tostudy problems and problems, and I like to ponder things quietly. I am evaluatedas "a student who thinks differently from others" by the teacher. I dare not saywhether I am excellent or not, but I enjoy the feeling of being different.

In the extracurricular, I have a wide range of interests, in independentresearch has also been more proud of my achievements. I once spent a year in myspare time to make a game. The work was praised for its ingenuity andcreativity, but its popularity was low due to the lack of plot. During the year,the production process was intermittent, and the program idea made me racking mybrain, constantly carrying on the psychological struggle between playing gamesand doing projects. Collect materials, algorithms, audio clips... Every step isvery attentive. Many firsts have given me a lot of experience. Then, when it isfinally completed, the joy is irreplaceable. I learned one very important thing,that is persistence.

Another part-time experience that benefited me a lot was music score. BecauseI like a piece of TV music very much, I try to write it as a piano score. I havecet-5 certificate of amateur electronic organ, but it is still not easy. Afterthe bottleneck, I turned to the Internet. However, how many people will helpstrangers to do this kind of trouble? The answer is zero. So I decided to do itby myself. I didn't expect that after my own efforts, I really wrote it! Fromthis, I learned another important thing, that is, to be self reliant. No one canrely on you. It is meaningful to overcome difficulties by ourselves.

Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that although I can only achieve theupper secondary school grades in the current, I will certainly be able to do mybest when I go to the university to study my favorite subjects and yearn forthem. At that time, I would choose my own career and devote myself to it.Believe me to do better - and I hope you can believe it.

I think my most important advantage is that I have time - just like everyoneelse. I still have the opportunity to change myself and complete myself in myfour years of University. To fight for it, that's what I'm doing now. I hopeyour school can give me a chance to realize myself. Looking forward to yourapproval!



英国留学优秀申请书 篇3

Program Applied:

Computer Science

Epicurus once said,"The joy of poverty is the most beautiful thing in theworld." This has become a source of constant inspiration for me. Poverty is veryreal to me,so is the joy that is derived from my being able to devote myself tothe study and the research of computer science.

My father passed away when I was just 14 and,with this,my family wasplunged into sudden poverty. In order to save money to allow my younger sistercontinue her education,I relinquished my expensive undergraduate education andchose to attend a junior college instead,majoring in computer application. Forthree years,I made extra academic efforts as I had to work part-time toalleviate my family's financial burden. My GPA was ranked top five in my class,with particularly distinguished performance in mathematics. I was the solejunior college student who participated in the national contest in mathematicalmodeling for university students in 1996 and won the third prize in x Province.Upon my graduation,I found employment with the Fuel Company of x Province whereI worked as its network engineer and chief manager. What was good about this jobwas that while it provided me with a stable income it allowed me to receive anon-the-job undergraduate education in computer science so that I ultimatelyfulfilled my aspiration of obtaining a Bachelor's degree in computerscience.

However,the Bachelor's degree did not put an end to my academic pursuit.Realizing the importance and the necessity to constantly upgrade my professionalknowledge in this age of rapid development in information technology,I found agraduate education in computer science would be vital for my further academicand career development. With due efforts in preparing for the entranceexamination,I succeeded in enrolling in University of x where I specialized inComputer Science and Application at the Faculty of Computer Science. Through myundergraduate and graduate programs,I have achieved the top third rankings inmy overall GPA,laying a solid academic foundation through impressiveperformance in such core courses as Advanced Computer Network,InternetTechnology,Multimedia Network Communication,Computer Science's Logic,AdvancedComputer System Infrastructure,and Computer Network Infrastructure. Thisacademic foundation makes possible my determination to become a computerspecialist in my future career.

While making conscious efforts in my coursework,I have paid even greaterattention to the improvement of my R & D ability. In the WLAN project forthe x Mansion,I collected extensive technical materials and made in-depth studyof the WLAN technology. I independently designed the project plan that satisfiedthe particular needs of the client. In view of the inherent insecurity of WLAN,I proposed the security solution application to small-size business patterns.When evaluating the project,the relevant experts gave positive comments on myplan design,rating it as "technologically advanced,with reliable performance,and can provide guidance to the R & D work in relevant fields,andapplicable to similar projects."

In another two projects-the development of the Computer InformationManagement System for both the Dean's Office and for School of Further Educationof University of x,I conducted comprehensive research concerning networksecurity technology,in particular the firewall technology. By undertakingextensive testing against the Ddos attacks,I gathered a large amount offirst-hand data. Based on my experiences in those two projects,I have publishedfour research papers,including The Standards of Firewall Procurement and theProspect of Firewall Technology,in the national core journals and universityjournals like Computer Application Research. All of them have been wellreceived.

Over the past few years,as a key project member,I have participated in,organized and implemented a total of 12 projects which involve financialsoftware,MIS,network management system,e-commerce,industrial control andother fields. I have published a total of 10 research papers in a series oftechnical journals and my research achievements have captured the attention ofthe computer experts from the x provincial academia. Last year I was invited toattend the 20xx International Symposium on Picture and Graphics inx City.

Currently,I have come to the final stage of my Master's dissertationentitled Research on the WLAN Security Solution and its Realization. In thisdissertation,I focus on the security mechanisms of WLAN,proposing that x as asecurity solution can only be an alternative and that only the application ofthe true "point-to-point" mechanism can maximize network security at reasonablecosts. My dissertation has an overall theoretical framework,supplemented bydetailed plans and designs. In my repeated discussions with my supervisorconcerning my dissertation,he has given his full support of my propositions. Hehas given special praises on my ideas regarding the renovation and developmentof the existing computer technology.

While perfecting my ability to carry out independent R & D projects,mypast research experience has also enabled me to ferret out my own researchinterests for the future-Wireless Networking and Network Security. WLAN is oneof the most important issues in the theoretical research and technicaldevelopment of present-day computer science and its security mechanism is thekey point. I have 4-year work experience as a network engineer and taught sixcourses on network and Internet technology. In my Master's program I haveconcentrated on computer network and distributive system and my dissertation ison WLAN and its security mechanism. For each of those two concentrations,I haveparticipated in two research projects,thus I have adequate practicalexperience. In my 10 research papers,6 are concerned with those two majorfields,which fully testify to my theoretical buildup and my important researchpotential. All those constitute my important assets for more advanced academicpursuit,in which I expect to exploit them to the fullest possible extent.

I wish to apply for a Ph. D. program in computer science from your esteemeduniversity because your program satisfies my wish for a full development of myresearch interests. My past education and research experience has fullyconvinced me that,as home of the world's modern computer science andtechnology,the United States is the ideal country that offers the advancededucation and training that I am seeking. There,I will be exposed to theinstructions of world famous scholars and experts whose academic ideas willsignificantly broaden my academic horizon. Equally important is that I can enjoyan inexhaustible variety of library resource. In conclusion,I deem myself fullyqualified and well prepared for your Ph. D. program and it is my belief thatyour university is precisely the starting point of my new and rewarding academicjourney.

英国留学优秀申请书 篇4

Dearx University Teachers,


My name is Yu, Female, 17 years old, is a student of science class 1 in themiddle school affiliated to Northwest University.

I am a lively person, I always like to get together with my classmates totalk about the big and small things around me, and also discuss some verycomplicated problems, but more is to imagine the future together, whenever thistime we will laugh very happy. In fact, I am a girl who likes to smile, becauseI firmly believe that smile can bring happiness to my friends, and I alsoharvest happiness at the same time. So I love to laugh, even in the face ofsetbacks also choose to use this attitude to meet, in order to give themselvesmore confidence. That is because I love to laugh, my classmates sometimes saythat I am like a fool, but I never mind, because I hope my friends arehappy.

In my study, I have a correct attitude. I once served as a member of thelearning committee and a representative of Chinese class, and have won manyhonors. In my life, because of my smile, I became more united with myclassmates. Therefore, I always served as the monitor in primary school. After Iwas promoted to senior grade, I began to serve as the brigade Committee andleader. For many years, I won the honors of "three good students" and "excellentclass cadres". These honors are unforgettable in my life

They are teachers and schools' affirmation of my study and work, and theyhave always inspired me to move forward. But I have never been so proud, butwith a grateful heart, thank my teachers always care about me, love me; Thankthe teacher for the honor, let me see the value of their efforts; Thank you forteaching me how to be an upright person.

My favorite sport is swimming, I think in the water can make my mind moreclear, so whether it is hot summer or cold winter, as long as I have theopportunity to soak in the water. I also like to listen to music and have a widerange of interests, from popular music to symphonies. The reason why I likelistening to music is probably because I think it can calm my heart.

I always use it to relieve my stress when I fail in the exam or have trouble.I also like to write essays and graffiti, to write and draw my happiness orunhappiness, and sometimes write an article filled with indignation to commenton the current news and some social phenomena.

I think I'm a playful person, but I'm still serious about my study. I feelthat I am a more self-control person, know when to learn, also know thatlearning can not be distracted, and can abide by it. But I don't think I'm whatpeople usually call a "nerd" -- I just concentrate on my study and don't payattention to communicating with others.

So I have a lot of friends, we study together, also agreed to work towardsthe goal. At the same time, my outgoing personality naturally makes me have astrong curiosity and desire to explore the outside world, which also makes myvision more open. The bigger I grow and the more I know, the stronger my desireto explore is. It drives me to "attack" the unknown world. At the same time, Ialso gain the happiness of learning.

Every day I go to school, I have to go through the west power. There are manytrees in the campus. I can often smell the fragrance of green trees and grass.The simple teaching building beside makes the campus more elegant. As time goesby, I have a strong interest in the university which stands in the middle of thetrouble but can keep its original flavor. Later, I began to look at thexUniversity information.

I know that if I set a goal, I have to work hard for it, otherwise everythingwill be in vain, but sometimes I will be full of imagination about universitylife: I imagine the happiness of living with my classmates in University;Imagine the learning atmosphere when discussing problems with professors;Imagine the rich and colorful social practice activities... And now, for my goaland all the beautiful things I fantasize about, I have to study harder.

But among many excellent students, I often feel powerless, even inferior,which is one of my major shortcomings. But in the process of growing up, I havebeen trying to overcome it, and I also realize that only down-to-earth, hardwork is the way to success.

I'm walking on this road now. Although it's hard, I'm willing to enjoy it. Ibelieve that since I am destined to be with you every dayx If I pass by, I willstep into the gate that I have been longing for for a long time in the nearfuture with a grateful heart.