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中考英语作文 篇1

nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. theyare the apple of their parents' eyes or even their granparents', so they arefree of any house work or menial labor. and moral education is no more than somebookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.

to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let themexperience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunityto get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded aspart of the moral education.

中考英语作文 篇2

面对英语作文,很多学生都表示头疼,自己觉得写的还比较理想,成绩却不理想,有些同学不顾得分要点,一味追求难的语法及高级的词汇,结果导致错误不 断,本末倒置,不但没有拿到得分亮点,反而扣分,这是由于大部分同学对英语作文打分规则不太清楚导致。今天特级教师帮大家理一下英语作文的得分要 点,以助于大家能够拿到一个好的分数。





中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清 晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的`第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。

第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。

第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day!

中考英语作文 篇3

traffic safety is everybody's business. records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.

however,most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving,and could be avoided. a lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules. they drive regardless of speed limits,run through red lights,drive in the wrong direction,talk and laugh while driving,and turn as they wish without giving signals. they don't slow down while approaching crossroads. so many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety.

only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.

中考英语作文 篇4


In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming

moreand more serious. First, ____(说明A的现状).Second, ____(举例进一步说明现状)

中考英语作文 篇5

Student Union






中考英语作文 篇6






寄信人只写姓名,不写头衔。但是,收信人一般都在名字前加上头衔,以示礼貌和尊敬。对于没有官衔和学衔的人士,通常在姓名前写上Mr., Mrs.,或Ms.。











中考英语作文 篇7

1. 动笔之前,认真审题


2. 围绕中心,拟定提纲







中考英语作文 篇8

面对英语作文,很多学生都表示头疼,自己觉得写的还比较理想,成绩却不理想,有些同学不顾得分要点,一味追求难的语法及高级的词汇,结果导致错误不 断,本末倒置,不但没有拿到得分亮点,反而扣分,这是由于大部分同学对英语作文打分规则不太清楚导致。今天特级教师帮大家理一下英语作文的得分要 点,以助于大家能够拿到一个好的分数。





中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清 晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的'第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。

第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。

第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day!

中考英语作文 篇9

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.

One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.

中考英语作文 篇10


Good morning, class!(同学们,上午好!)

Today , I'll talk about going online.(今天,我将谈谈上网的问题)

We know that there are too many net-bars(网吧) around us.(我们知道我们的身边有很多的网吧)The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable.(网络能使我们的生活令人愉快而富有情趣。) Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet.我们中有许多人因为我们能学会怎样使用电脑从而从网络中得到更多的信息而喜欢上网。) We can learn English.(我们能学英语) We can read some good newspapers and magazniess.(我们能阅读到一些好的报纸和杂志) It can make us clever in playing computer games.(在玩电脑游戏时,它能便我们聪明) I can send e-mail to our friends quickly.(我能很快得给我朋友发e-妹儿) We can chatonline with our friends.(我们能和我们的朋友在网上聊天) It can help us get in touch with(取得联系) people from all over the world.(这能帮助我们和全世界的人们取得联系) But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. (但有一些学生在玩电脑游戏时花费了太多的时间;还有一些学生整天整夜地待在网吧里)As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study well any more.(由于这个原因,他们的功课越来越差,他们也不再好好学习了) I think we mustn’t go online when it is time for us to study.我认为当我们学习的时间,我们是被禁止上网的) We can do it in summer or winter holidays.(我们能在暑假或寒假去上网.)

中考英语作文 篇11

假设你是《21世纪中学生英语报》“heart to heart”专栏的编辑.下面是你收到的一位中学生的来信.请你根据他来信的内容写一封回信.针对他的问题。

Dear Xiaowei,

Weight problem is quite common among teenagers everywhere. So I don’t think you have much to worry about. Here are my suggestions. Eating late at night is OK, but you should to eat more fruit and vegetables, which are good for you.

Also, when you are free, you’d better do more exercise. Running is great. You don’t like running alone, but what about running with your friends? Or you can do some team sports like basketball. I’m sure your friends will be willing to help you lose weight. I hope you have as much success in losing weight as you have had in your studies. “Believe myself, and I will win.” It’s really important for us when we meet difficulties. Don’t lose heart; I’m sure you will succeed one day.

中考英语作文 篇12

上周五,你们班举行了《我们的梦想》的主题班会,在班会上同学们踊跃发言:有的想成为老师;有的想成为一名警察;有的想当医生……。请你根据下面表格的提示以“Our Dreams”为题,写一篇英语短文,报告这次班会的'情况,并谈谈你自己的梦想。




Our Dreams

Last Friday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report.


Our dreams

Last Friday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report. Liu Wei wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She is going to study education. Li Ming's dream is to be a policeman. He does sports every day. Su Juan wants to be a movie star. She is going to take acting lessons. I want to be… I'm sure our dreams will come true one day.

中考英语作文 篇13

How to Keep Healthy Firstly, build normal daily routine and eat regularly. You should go to bed and get up early. Make sure you can have a good rest. Pay attention to your diets. Don't eat too much meat and sugar. Eat more vegetables.


Secondly, have a good mood towards life. A good mood will bring you a healthy body, too.


Last, do some exercises. Exercises help you build a strong and healthy body.


中考英语作文 篇14

Nowadays, working overtime is so common in many companies, especially inforeign companies, private companies, and joint ventures. As far as I amconcerned, there are two main reasons of working overtime. For one thing, thereis indeed too much work to do. If it is so, the boss should compensate staffs bypaying them as overtime salary or giving them vacations. For another, somestaffs are not suitable for their positions. In that case, the boss ought tohelp them to improve their working efficiency. If they are still not qualified,boss may change the positions for them, or to the worst, dismiss them. That'sall what I think about working overtime.

中考英语作文 篇15











中考英语作文 篇16

Dear John,

I'm glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing something for it.

Zhang Tong

中考英语作文 篇17

We all know that the rabbit lost the first race against the tortoise. After that the rabbit decided to have a second race. This time he didn’t sleep and won because he was good at running. However, the tortoise didn’t give up. He had a third race with the rabbit. There was a river on the way. The tortoise swam across it quickly and won. The story does not end here. In the last race they took turns to put each on the back and reached the finishing point together.

From the story I have learned that with teamwork all of us can achieve success.



中考英语作文 篇18

How to Keep Healthy Firstly, build normal daily routine and eat regularly. You should go to bed and get up early. Make sure you can have a good rest. Pay attention to your diets. Don't eat too much meat and sugar. Eat more vegetables.


Secondly, have a good mood towards life. A good mood will bring you a healthy body, too.


Last, do some exercises. Exercises help you build a strong and healthy body.


中考英语作文 篇19

上周五,你们班举行了《我们的梦想》的主题班会,在班会上同学们踊跃发言:有的想成为老师;有的想成为一名警察;有的想当医生……。请你根据下面表格的提示以“Our Dreams”为题,写一篇英语短文,报告这次班会的情况,并谈谈你自己的'梦想。




Our Dreams

Last Friday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report.


Our dreams

Last Friday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report. Liu Wei wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She is going to study education. Li Ming's dream is to be a policeman. He does sports every day. Su Juan wants to be a movie star. She is going to take acting lessons. I want to be… I'm sure our dreams will come true one day.

中考英语作文 篇20

Mr Green,

I'm Wang Gang. I'm very sorry to tell you that I was ill. I'm not feeling well. This morning I went to see a doctor. He told me that I had caught a bad cold. I have to stay at home for two days. So I can't go to school today or tomorrow. I hope I'll get well soon. I'll ask you for your help when I meet you in two days. Thank you.


Wang Gang

中考英语作文 篇21

Desire for No Examination:渴望不考试

I have a lot of aspirations. but what i desire most is to have no examinations.

We are always told that examinations aim to check what we have learned. but i don't think so. examination is not the best way', especially in the primary school. examinations, composition examinations in particular, will bring students, teachers and parents a great deal of pressure. to cope with the examination, some students just remember the model essays by rote. it will do no good to the improvement of writing.

The students' scores can be measured by their daily in-class study and by the completion of their everyday homework. if we do in this way, all the students and teachers will have a pleasant time every day.




中考英语作文 篇22

面对英语作文,很多学生都表示头疼,自己觉得写的还比较理想,成绩却不理想,有些同学不顾得分要点,一味追求难的语法及高级的词汇,结果导致错误不 断,本末倒置,不但没有拿到得分亮点,反而扣分,这是由于大部分同学对英语作文打分规则不太清楚导致。今天特级教师帮大家理一下英语作文的得分要 点,以助于大家能够拿到一个好的分数。





中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清 晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。

第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。

第三段:经过第二段的'论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day!

中考英语作文 篇23

How I Wish China Would Be United Sooner!

July 1st, 20xx Fine

Hong Kong and Macao are parts of China in history, but they were separated from the motherland for some political reasons. China has been getting richer and stronger since its opening to the outside world. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong finally returned home. On December 20, 1999, Macao returned home, too. Great changes have taken place in both Hong Kong and Macao. It shows the development and great strength of our country.

Taiwan is an intergral part of China. The Chinese people as well as most of the people from Taiwan are looking forward to the day on which Taiwan will return home. We are sure that day will come sooner or later.

中考英语作文 篇24













中考英语作文 篇25

Dear Jhon:

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China It’s China’s New Year’s Day

About a week before the festival housewives are busy preparing the new year dinner People who are far away on business are hurrying to return home for the new year’s family reunion(团聚)And there will be some interesting programmes on TV

On Lunar New Year’s Day after getting up people will eat dumplings I ’m going to Diseyland in HONGKONG with my parents I will revise lessinos do exercise every day help the old and children Waiting for your e —mail Yours


Happy new year to everyone!

(Mr Yin 20xx -12-30)

中考英语作文 篇26

Directions: For this part, you required to write an essay entitled The Internet Makes the World Smaller. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




The Internet Makes the World Smaller

With the amazing development of information technology, the Internet has become an essential part in our lives. People from every corner of the world can share the information with one another. Countries far away seem no farther than another street in our hometown.

The fact that the Internet makes the world smaller can be best illustrated by the term “global village”. With the appearance of the Internet, the world is shrinking into a village. On the one hand, people around the world have a closer connection with each other. Through e-mails as well as video and audio online communications, they can make friends with others thousands of miles away. On the other hand, people now have an easier access to information worldwide. By surfing on line at home, they know what is happening on the other side of the world.

Accordingly, we should make good use of the Internet to facilitate our studies and work and seize the opportunity to make more progress. The Internet makes the world smaller, at the same time makes our minds more broaden.

中考英语作文 篇27

Some people think that smoking makes them look cool and helps them relax. I don’t agree. In my opinion, not only is smoking harmful for people’s health, but it also makes people look bad.

First of all, as everyone knows, cigarettes contain nicotine. If you smoke lots of cigarettes, the nicotine in them will hurt different parts of your body and make you sick. The worst thing is that people also get addicted to nicotine. Once you start smoking, it’s very hard to give up. Also, smoking gives you yellow fingers, yellow teeth and bad breath. No one would think that is cool in any way. Besides, cigarettes cost a lot of money, which could be otherwise spent on more useful things, like books, clothes or CDs.

As you can see, smoking does nothing good for us. I hope more and more people will realize this and try their best not to smoke.

中考英语作文 篇28











中考英语作文 篇29


Dear Bob,


Yesterday I heard from you. I am very glad to be your pen friend. My name is Peter Zhang. I am sixteen years old. I live in...


I am a middle school student, too. I like English and maths very much. I also like sports. I am good at singing. I know a little about America. Could you tell me something more about your country in your next letter?


Please write to me soon.




Peter Zhang


中考英语作文 篇30




中考英语作文 篇31

We have chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as. Dumplings are the most traditional food .

Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes can also get some money from their parents.

After the dinner, we watch the Spring Festival party on television.

We have chatting each other.

People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”.

People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .

中考英语作文 篇32


The sports meeting which was to take place this Saturday has to be put offbecause of the heavy rairi these days. All students are required to come toschool on Saturday morning as usual, but there will be no class that afternoon.Weather permitting, the sports meeting will be held next Saturday morning.Members of the school ping-pong team must come to the Ping-pong Ha]] at 4:30this Saturday afternoon. Ping-pong stars from Wuhan will come and give specialtraining and coaching then.

Office of Physical Education

10th April, 20xx

中考英语作文 篇33

Dear David,

I'm glad you'll e to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


Wang Ming

中考英语作文 篇34





中考英语作文 篇35

One Possible version:

Dear Li Ming,

I'm Gina. It's my pleasure to give you some suggestions for your vacation spots. According to your letter, I think either Sydney or Hawaii is the best choice because they are both warm and interesting. There are some inexpensive hotels, which are clean and comfortable in both places. What's more, you can enjoy sunshine, walk on the beach and swim every day.

Besides, there are many good museums in Sydney. (It's also a wonderful place for shopping. )And if you go to Hawaii, you could have a visit to Pearl Harbor, which is quite educational and historical. (And you can also enjoy exotic dances. )

That's just my idea. I hope it would give you some help.



中考英语作文 篇36

面对英语作文,很多学生都表示头疼,自己觉得写的还比较理想,成绩却不理想,有些同学不顾得分要点,一味追求难的语法及高级的词汇,结果导致错误不 断,本末倒置,不但没有拿到得分亮点,反而扣分,这是由于大部分同学对英语作文打分规则不太清楚导致。今天特级教师帮大家理一下英语作文的得分要 点,以助于大家能够拿到一个好的分数。





中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清 晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。

第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。

第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day!

中考英语作文 篇37






























中考英语作文 篇38

When you were born, you need to face the ups and downs in our life. Forexample, you need to learn to speak, learn to walk, learn to write, learn toread, and so on. Whenever you learn a new thing, you will be always full of joy.But the hardness only you know. Perhaps, you have thought about giving up, butin the end you insist on. In this world, there is no difficult, only those whodo not adhere to. As long as you can hold on, that's not a thing. Perseveranceprevails! This is the eternal law! Come on.