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海洋的唯美文案英文 篇1

1、They waste a lot of water in theirdaily life.日常生活中他们浪费很多水。

2、The beach is only 海滩是只有10分钟步行桥横跨浪漫步行在河口福尔摩沙自然保护区。

3、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.很多河流湖泊已经受到严重污染。

4、Do not throw rubbish onto the ground.Do not waste water.Use both sides of paper when you write.Stop using plastic bags for shopping.Make classrooms less noisy.不要在地上扔垃圾。不要浪费水。当你写字时要在纸的两面都要写。停止使用塑料袋去购物。减少教室里德吵闹声。

5、Restaurants in Vladivostok held a so-called Candle Evening, promoting Earth Hour as a chance for romance.海参崴的几家饭店则举办起了“烛光之夜”活动,借“地球一小时”之机营造浪漫气氛。

6、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.适合生命喝的水是越来越少了。

7、A place that is romantic, peaceful, and perfect.The beach or some place under the moon or stars is considered most romantic.譬如,清辉下的海滩,或者星空静谧笼罩着的其他场景,不失为最浪漫之所。

8、By killing seabirds, the rats deprive a reef of nutrient-rich seabird droppings that naturally fertilise it.The researchers working on the archipelago found that rat-free islands" reefs were much healthier, with more and significantly larger fish.通过捕杀海鸟,老鼠剥夺了珊瑚礁依靠营养丰富的海鸟粪便作为肥料使其生长的自由。在这个群岛上工作的研究人员发现,没有老鼠的岛屿周围的珊瑚礁要健康得多,鱼的数量也多,而且体积也明显更大。

9、Content: romantic sunset ABU dhabis skyline, sea, also be dyed orange with sun cuddling; it is I care for the memories.内容:浪漫的晚霞海天一色、大海也被染成了橙色与太阳相互依偎、那是我眷恋中的回忆。

10、Save the earth together.拯救地球,一起动手

11、The most important question in the world today is pollution.当今世界最重要的话题就是污染问题。

12、We should take many measures to stop pollution.我们应该采取许多措施去停止污染。

13、Wave after wave seems to come quicker before you can catch a good one.在你扑捉到适宜海浪之前,浪潮一浪又一浪地涌向你,越来越快。

14、Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.更糟糕的是他们排放污水到河流里。

15、It was a long day in the sun.The fumes of spray paint came in waves, mixed with the smell of saler from the bay.这是一个漫长的夏日,烈日当头,涂鸦喷漆的烟雾弥散在热浪中,与从海湾飘来的大海气息混合在一处。

16、Promote green consumption and green voters.促绿色消费,做绿色选民

17、Life on the ocean wave means boating, surfing, kitesurfing, water-skiing, rock pools or just paddling.追逐海浪的生活意味着玩游艇,冲浪,风筝冲浪, 滑水, 浅海岩石潭划船或随意地摇摇浆。

18、Today,a drop of saving a blood for posterity今天节约一滴水,留给后人一滴血

19、It"s everyone"s duty to love and protect the environment.爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。

20、With coral reefs under threat from climate change, the scientists are now advocating rat eradication on islands around the world to protect some of the most diverse ecosystems in the ocean.由于珊瑚礁受到气候变化的威胁,所以科学家们现提倡在世界各地的岛屿上消灭老鼠,以保护海洋中最多样化的生态系统。

21、Jerome: Wave watching is when you watch wild waves on the ocean.With Typhoon Kaemi coming, the waves are sure to be enormous.杰洛姆?观浪就是在海边观看巨浪呀。凯米台风要来了,海浪一定超大的。

海洋的唯美文案英文 篇2

1、The consumption restriction in ecosystems can withstand range.把消费限制在生态圈可以承受的`范围内

2、The earth had no health without human health.没有地球的健康就没有生命的健康

3、As long as we two people together, even if the sea fishing will feel very romantic.只要我们俩在一起,即使生活枯燥如出海钓鱼也感到无比浪漫。

4、Be spontaneous and rent a convertible and kidnap your partner for a drive up the coast for lunch or dinner.心血来潮就租上一个折蓬汽车,“绑架”你的爱侣驱车前往海滩吃一顿浪漫大餐。

5、10 minutes walk across the romantic foot bridge over the Ria Formosa nature reserve.

6、The earth is to yourself.善待地球就是善待自己

7、The smell of sea salt in the air is a romanticized feature of life along a seacoast.空气中海盐的.味道是海边生活的一个浪漫元素。

8、The newly-weds shared a romantic moment aboard a boat on the Thames en route to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich.这对新婚夫妇享受了从泰晤士河到格林威治老皇家海军学院的一段浪漫之旅。

9、Something must be done to stop the pollution.生命必须采取一些措施来制止污染。

10、[6]、we will eventually take a hand in a trip, the Phoenix Daocheng or the Paris.- Xu Fei, "we're going to take a hand in the end."

11、[17]、if you want to be married, go on a trip first.- Qian Zhongshu

12、, I want to travel, pack a person, travel alone, see the scenery along the way, take the camera, take the scenery along the way, and record the mood along the way.That kind of life is what I want.

13、[8]、every day is a new trip, and everyone is thankful for the people we go through for a period of time."Life, not long, just enough to take a good look at the world." - Guo Ziying's "the best time on the road"

14、, go to different places, see different scenery, know different things, feeling different life.In the early morning, as the pulley touched the ground, the plane jittered, and I finally said the last goodbye.

15、, the body does not move, the heart is far.

16、, life is like a trip, do not care about the destination, care about the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery, let the soul go!

17、, everyone in his life beginning, always have a period of time, not only what can be nostalgia, irrepressible dreams, not what can rely on, only his good health, no place to go, just want to wander.

18、[12]、the world is so big, I want to see - Mr.Gu 's resignation letter of only ten words.

19、[14] only one person can hear his voice when he is traveling.It will tell you that the world is wider than the imagination.Your life will not be without exports.You will find that you have wings, and you can fly without anyone's consent.Wu Danru, "every encounter is a note of miracles".

20、[7]、I love in the way a person watching the sun looked at her from the grass from the antelope corner from dry straw on the rise I love in the way I don't don't don't repeat that hat roof wall I do not want to see the traces of water above it like nightmare shadow I love on the way to go I also love the sun to love all the people I want to be a continent in her eyes I love walking in the ocean to my love in the evening on the road to see the light I love a person must have the sun - Gu Cheng

21、, I wander on the track of time and step on every train passing through.The scenery along the way is getting far away.I hold the license plate that is called missing, waiting for the last stop - home.

22、the traveler who has traveled through many countries and ethnic groups and many other areas has asked him what attributes he has found everywhere.Nietzsche's "Schopenhauer as an educator"

23、[3]、to be able to walk is the most beautiful thing in the world.Everywhere can go, all the scenery can be seen.The hearts of some micro belly a little bored, not to go on foot, ten minutes, twenty minutes, then gradually to throw some.If you go down again, the more you go to the other place, even the beauty will come to the eye.Travel.That is, walking.All the time, keep going, go down.Wang Chen's farthest travel is from his own body to his heart.

24、For me personally, it made me find faith.A life of faith, no matter whether it is not successful, at least will not be confused.- "the year of lateness"

25、, the best habit of traveling: find a comfortable shop, pick up elegant postcards, send it to the Italian TA, write on the back: sometime in a certain month, sometime in the afternoon, clear weather, I miss you somewhere.

26、[4]、just want to make an aimless trip and do nothing in a place where there is a sea, a quiet place, and the sun.- a Sam, "go, your trip"

海洋的唯美文案英文 篇3

1、, take the soul to travel, look at everything in a calm state of mind, the painting, seemingly for the eyes and ears of the inner world, is actually feeling.It is enough to listen to the heart, and it is enough to listen to the best.It is a gospel to listen to the best voices.It's gratifying to pick up a song of flowers and let the heart feel relieved by taking a spoonful of flowers.

2、, a heart of walking, a lover who will take pictures, a sweet journey.

3、, I think of those very empty nights, and the two wheels of a bicycle to crush tomorrow.You have to walk alone, think that only one person is the only way, a person can see the scenery.Go to the sea to see the huge tower, it stands in the water, but so empty, so poetic but, understand a person's strength is very small, but it is all process that is all swallowed so it is so beautiful.Falling down "no stay"

4、, miss with a silent melancholy, to pursue the wing of the flying.The fallen leaves fade in the direction of the drifting.The courage to bear the heavy burden of the bag, go to the distance.From then on, it may be a journey alone.Do not fear no fear, do not say not abandon, break through the barrier of wind and rain, the dawn is in front!




















海洋的唯美文案英文 篇4



















